Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday 10/13/11

Thoughtful Thursday Time Again!
What shall we think about today? Something fun I think.
I wonder...You have just been given an infinite amount of money, 
what would you do with it? 

Me, well I would be selfish first. I would go buy mansions in the mountains, Italy, Paris, the Carribean, and probably some other places. (I could hide from my in-laws and they would never find me. LOL) Then, I would hire traveling tutors for my daughters and we would travel to every imaginable place. I would buy all of Jericho Barrons ten year old want a Lamborghini and Ferrari. My sixteen year old would settle for a new Jeep Cherokee. She has simple taste. Me...I want a pearlesque violet Dodge Challenger and a jet black Dodge Charger. 

I would then give all of my family (in-laws included) a bunch of money and tell them to enjoy their lives. After all...we only live once. 

As for charity...well, I would donate lots of money to any type of children's charities. Make-a-Wish, St. Judes, *Cerebral Palsy Research, March of Dimes, etc...

And then breast cancer research. I am sure I would find plenty of other places to donate money to, these are just a few places I would love to be able to fund entirely.

*My son had cerebral palsy and all of these charities are close to my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Those are great charities - and personal to you. I hope they are able to help your son! *hugs*

    Here's my Thoughtful Thursday - House Millar series




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