Friday, January 18, 2013

{Tidbits} Get to Know Kristin A a Little Better

Hey Ho everybody! Today, we're going to meet, well, me!

Yep, that's me, Kristin A! 
My hairs a bit more red now, with a lot of violet threaded through it.
I gave up on normal a long time ago.
Give me time and I'll have a nose piercing and a few more tattoos to add to my repertoire.

These 3 urchins are my children, who are much older now, and the oldest will kill me if she sees this.
Front to back - Kara (2ish), DJ (5ish), and Kaitlyn (8ish)
They are the lights of my life, the pains in my ass, the reason my world turns, and the reason I'm begging for a short vacation at the nearest psychiatric ward. Basket weaving would be nice for a change.

DJ, happiest kid ever!
God rest his soul! May 5, 1997-April 23, 2003
Please don't say your sorry, his life was filled with joy, and he filled our life with joy.
He taught us more about unconditional love and patience than anything in this world could have.

As you'll see, Kaitlyn grew up and graduated with honors. She also secured a math award and a scholarship.
She's in college now, and making her parents proud.
She's passionate, which leads to many heartaches, but mark my word - she's going places.

And, Kara...well, she 12 now and this is one of the only times I can catch her at peace.
She's cuddled here with Ella, who is the newest addition to our home and, as you can see, she fit in perfectly.
She inherited her stubbornness from somebody, okay - me, but she's witty and funny, and a tad bit prickly.

So...after all this, you're thinking I'm a mom. And, you'd be absolutely correct, but there's much more to me than that. I read to escape reality, because sometimes reality just plain bites. I blog to share my passion of books with the world. I have fallen in love with more men than I've ever known...who cares if they're fictional. I crush on rock stars daily. I spend too much time online chatting with my girls at Starbooks. I stalk a few too many blogs. I put headphones on and lose myself in music. 

Occasionally, I just check out for a little down time.

I'm obstinate, loyal to a fault, and my beliefs, morals, and ethics are so ingrained in me now, I'm comfortable saying what I stand for, though I won't shove it down anyone's throat. I'm fine being me.

I have absolute faith that God has led me to the place I'm at right now, and he'll continue to guide me.


  1. You have beautiful kids. Cheers to us cool moms!

    1. Thanks so much! Cool moms are the best! And thanks, I think my kids are pretty darned special too...but I'm biased!

  2. Love ya, Kristin! You really are the coolest. And hurray for Starbooks :)

    1. Haha! Jenny, I'd like to think I'm the coolest, but not even close! Though this comment made me smile!

      Love ya tons!

  3. AWESOME POST! Such beautiful children and their mom! And you do not spend too much time chatting on Starbooks! Love you Tons!

    1. Actually, you're right Kim! I've been missing for quite a while. There's just so much going on! But, I do try to stop in as often as possible!

      Love ya bunches and bunches!

  4. #1 That cat is way too cool for you!
    #2 You're kids are so gorgeous (just like their momma).
    #3 You do not spend nearly enough time on Starbooks!
    #4 I don't know that Kaitlyn is going to kill you as much as Kara is... you have her in a bathing suit AND sleeping...haha.

    1. LOL! You are so right about all of your points! Well, except for comparing my children to me...they all look exactly like their dad, so...

      I thought I would have more time this winter, since the girls went back to school, but I'm finding I actually have less time to stop by and chat. I think we're all falling into that a little bit. I do try to stop by and add my two cents worth in. ;)

      You're right, Kara would probably kill me, but she doesn't love her mom enough to stop by her blog and look. I don't know what happened to her. She barely reads and doesn't really like to either. Maybe she's been dropped on her head one to many times.

      Again, thanks for hopping by!



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